Saturday, September 18, 2010

Concept Board

For the concept board I took two different picture one is the orang asli kids and the other one is the picture of the lake. I put the picture together so that they look one like they belong together

Screen Shots

Here are the Screen Shots of the Interactive Application and the Icon :


Print Screen Of Application:





Monday, August 16, 2010


This is the font that im thinking of using it is called Batik Dayak reason being because of the design on the font it has a tribal kind of design



Trip to Belum, Perak

Date: 22 to 25 July 2010First day went for a jungle trekking, it took us about an hour to actually reach the top of the tree house. There we could see the whole view of the lake .Here are some pictures

Second day we went to visit the orang asli from the Jahai tribe, we were taken there by bus, they were really friendly and easy to talk to. Even though they live in moderation they were happy with their life. Here are some pictures that I took :

After lunch we went to another orang Asli village also from the Jahai tribe but this time we have took a boat it took about an hour to reach the village. The village was basically in another island, here the people are more shy how ever I manage to have a conversation with the Tok Ketua brother unfortunately the Tok Ketua was not there when we were there. He told a few interesting stories that I will include in my assignment. For now I have pictures to share :

Monday, July 19, 2010

Project Planning

Design Issues : To educated youngster about the orang asli and how they live their life, also understanding the orang asli culture

: Adobe Flash Application, on the life of orang asli

Target Audience
: 15 to 25 years old, reason being so that they will understand the orang asli and how they life their life. They can pass their knowledge to the younger generation so that the orang asli is not forgotten in our society.
Gantt Chart :

Mind Map:

Application Flow : There will be 5 pages application

Home - Belum about the orang asli location

Life of Jahai orang asli in Belum - info on how they life their life day by day

Map- the Belum map

Gallery - pictures of the Jahai orang asli


Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Digital Media Design 1 (MMD2113)
Task: To design and develop an interactive information design application
Topic: Orang asli settlement

The purpose of this assignment, is for people to understand about the Orang Asli and their lifestyle . It is important for us to understand the Orang Asli so they are not left behind and help them live their life like we do.
In order for us to help them we should first understand how they live their life, and with this assigment it will help us see how the Orang Asli live through their eyes.
I would also share my experience and knowledge with the younger generation and educate them about the Orang Asli.

Target Audience:
Youth (15 to 25)

User Task:
To experience the life of Orang Asli

Home Page

About Belum
The location of the orang asli

Life of Jahai Orang Asli
their routine everyday

Picture and description

Map of Belum